Thursday, May 12, 2016


The Paleo diet is being hugely popular now days and also called as caveman diet, Stone Age diet or hunter gatherer diet as it has been used by our ancestors, before wheat was harvested. This diet is an ultimate approach that works directly with your genetics to help you stay healthy, strong, lean and energetic.
Here you might think that why to work for a change in diet or what the problem is in your current diet! The fact is that a high percentage of world population is suffering from metabolic syndrome and they actually can’t convert their intake food into available energy. One sadder thing is that most of the people are just surviving not thriving. But, once you switch to this modern caveman diet; you will feel the difference yourself. It will change your life, literally.
Following a Paleo diet plan, you not only take out the things that are odds with your health (like dairy products, grains etc.) but also increase the intake of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins in a proper ratio.
Still confused to take a start? Just go through the following given pros and cons of Paleo diet and decide whether to plunge this or not.
Healthy cells and Health brain:
Every cell in our body is made up of both unsaturated and saturated fats. Unlike other diets, Paleo diet helps you to balance these fats properly so that you can own healthy cells. Moreover, Omega 3 fatty acids are known good for the heart, eyes and brain growth and Paleo diet lets you to take that from cold water fish – Salmon.
Leaner muscles:
The Paleo diet highly relies upon meat through which you can get a heavy amount of proteins for your muscles. It will help you to promote a thinner in-shape physique and also to grow your muscles. If you have a leaner but healthier body, you can handle life’s challenges and stresses in a better way
Make you feel full:
You have to starve for the most of diets, but Paleo diet cares for you in this regard too. It keeps you feeling fuller and good most of the time so there are minimum chances of cheating and diet crashes.
Better digestion:
The most prevailing problem in today world is of digestion and absorption. But Paleo diet is that easiest thing through which you can get rid of this kind of problem as it suggests you to have the foods that are capable to digest over thousands of years. It also improves gut flora, which is essential for good digestion.
Weight loss:
Improved gut health, metabolic processes and good sleep greatly helps you to burn stored fats and lose weight. And it may be the ultimate goal of most of the people to follow a diet plan.
No counting is required:
Most of all, you don’t need to keep a calculator with you always to calculate the amount of taken carbohydrates and fats. Paleo diet doesn’t force you to do so; it’s really easy and simple o follow. The lack of limitations and rules makes this diet enjoyable to you. You can focus on other important things rather than keeping same thing in mind all the time. Following a Paleo diet plan; you can eat like humans, as our ancestors used to do before these much innovations in food too.


Paleo diet is a healthy nutritional diet plan that aims to enable you to maintain that lean body physique and ensuring that you are able to stay strong and energetic at all times. A typical diet plan that most people use today usually contains high quantities of processed food products that are rich in sugars and saturated fats. Such sugars and saturated fats are not good for the body since they are responsible for causing lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The Paleo diet offers a tried and tasted solution to a healthy dietary lifestyle.

One of the main important things to consider is what foods to eat on the paleo diet plan. Just like as is the case with any other diet plan, the paleo diet should integrate food items that contain the essential body nutrients and this includes proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. For proteins, it is recommended that you use lean protein products such as lean meat, skinless chicken, fish and other such low fat animal protein sources. Protein is an essential component of the overall Paleo diet plan since it supports muscle formation, immune system development and even bone formation. Protein is also important since it enables you to feel satisfied after meals thereby ensuring that you do not over indulge in eating.

Another essential food items that should be included in the Paleo diet plan are the fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are usually rich in essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that play an important protective role against degenerative diseases and ailments that might undermine your overall lifestyle. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet since different types of fruits and vegetables are rich in different types of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming a wide variety of this essential food items maximizes your chances of consuming all the nutrients that the body requires.

Most people might not appreciate the value of fats in the body but fats are indeed essential when it comes enhancing the overall health of our bodies. First and foremost, fats generate fatty acids which are important for cell development and functioning. In addition to that, fats also supply the body with the much needed energy required to perform various body functions. Be that as it may, saturated fats which are mostly solid fats extracted from animal products are not good for the body since they can cause diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The Paleo diet plan should healthy fat food items such as fish oil which is rich in mega 3. In addition to the fish oil, the diet plan should also include olive oil, avocado and healthy fats from nuts and seeds which are also important in the overall development of the body.

All in all, an effective Paleo diet should involve one taking at least three meals in a day and these are breakfast, lunch and supper. In all these three meals, a person should incorporate each of the three aforementioned food items in appropriate quantities. This will serve to ensure that your body is indeed supplied with all the necessary nutrients to ensure it remains healthy, strong and energetic.


There is an intense need in everyone’s life today to eat healthy. A healthy diet means a healthy body for most people. Finding the perfect diet today however is a challenge many people continue to face. Is this the right diet? Why is it the right diet? What benefits do I stand to gain? These are some of the questions many will ask about food. The paleo diet is an unquestionably healthy diet that offers allot of benefits and that is wholesome and does not need the inclusion of pills or starvation.

  1. Gives you a healthier more active brain
One thing most people are craving is an active brain that is sharp and great memory. The paleo diet helps you get this. The diet suggests that one eats cold water fish that is wildly caught and eat meat from pasture raised animals. These sources of protein are known to have high omega 3 fat content which is known to promote a healthy heart, good eyesight and most importantly improve brain function and development. It is especially great for children.
  1. More muscle and less fat
The diet relies very intensely on protein gotten from animal products. Animals that are fed right provide you with the right amount of healthy protein. Protein is anabolic and has the ability to build new cells and increase the muscle mass of an individual. The increase in muscle increases the metabolic ability of the body. Muscles require a lot of energy to move and so does the growth of bigger muscles. Most of the energy that you will be consuming will be used for the muscles instead of being stored in the body as fat. Thus you will be able to gain more muscle and less fat. With time you’re already set muscle reserves will begin to be used and thus you may lose a couple of pounds.
  1. Gives you all the vitamins you need
The paleo diet suggests that you eat the rainbow. This means that you eat most of the brightly colored foods. This makes vegetables a huge part of the diet. This means that you are required to find a lot of vegetables that are in season and stock up. The different vegetable colors guarantee that you will be getting the nutrition you require from the food you eat. Eating the rainbow guarantees you will get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs.
  1. A healthier digestive system
The food recommended in paleo diet has been in the human food chain for decades. This makes it good because there are many people who will find that they can tolerate all the foods recommended. It gives you assurance that your digestive problems will be solved in just a week of following the diet strictly.
  1. You can lose weight
The paleo diet is low on carbohydrates and does not include processed foods. This drastically reduces the fat storage in your body as most of it is used to create energy for you. The diet in conjunction with exercises is a great way to lose weight.


Paleo diet has long been a working charm for everybody who has used it in all generations. It is the only diet that works well with your body by building it nutritionally and enhancing a strong, lean and energetic body. Extensive studies on the body by various scientists and doctors have revealed that it is these modern foods full of chemicals, sugars and fats that have brought about the various diseases and infections, most of humanity is suffering. Diseases like infertility, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and obesity among others have come into being because of our own doing.

Working With a Healthy Paleo Diet (Paleo Diet, what is it really?)
Paleo diet works with the best foods from mother nature without altering any of them with chemical enhancement and preservation. And that’s why it has never lost its perfect touch since the ancient times.
Let’s take a close look at how it builds up.
  • Lean Proteins – having lean proteins in your meal helps to build strong muscles, bones and general health. They also leave you fully satisfied for a long time and gives you the effort to undertake harder tasks.
  • Fruits and Vegetables – fruits and vegetables have been found to contain phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins not to mention antioxidants, all of which provide full capabilities to resist diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, anaemia and neurological decline to mention just but a few.
  • Healthy Fats and Oils – fats that are healthy derived from nuts, seeds and avocados together with oils from fish, olives, coconut and grass feed contain monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fats usually work in harmony to prevent and do away with diseases like diabetes, heart attack, prothrombosis, and cognitive decline.

Health Benefits of Paleo Diet
The health benefits of this ancient diet have stood the test of time and have never reduced the health benefits it offers to human beings. Having removed grains, legumes and diary from the list, it has become fairly easy to live a healthy life and to really bring out bodies strong and healthy as they really are. More to that, here are some of the benefits that Paleo diets comes along with it:
  • Weight loss
With the lack of unhealthy fats and oils in Paleo diet, it has been made easy for people who take it to lose weight in a short while without he need to exercise much or as often as people who don’t use it do. Hundreds of pounds can be lost with the continuous use of this diet in weeks and help anyone who wantaeto always stay in shape do that.
  • Improved blood lipids
Paleo diet also does wonders to the blood which is the transport media of oxygen and lots of body nutrients. The diet improves the quantity of lipids which means more better overall health for everyone and more efficient supply of nutrients to various body parts.
  • Improves Immunity
The level of resistance to different dieseases is strengthened by this wonderful food as its constituents contain high – immunity substances that strengthen different parts of the body. Cutting on unhealthy fats and oils together with chemicals has made this possible.
With all the important lessons learnt about Paleo diet, it is clearly evident that human beings out there are losing out on a wonderful opportunity to build their bodies and improve their health with this diet. The new generation is good but it has changed the diets and reduce their quality as time goes and in a few years, only junk foods will be available in convenient stores and restaurants. It’s time to take charge of our life and health by going back to the norms and heritage our ancestors left us in terms of foods. And the time is now!